Let me ask a couple of questions:
How to use LinkedIn to get instant success?
Why did you create this account on Linkedin?
I created it because It was a trend to have an account on every platform. Sigh.
But today I've got a different reason.
The day you find your "WHY" all these tools will boost your motivation to achieve that goal.
Likewise, you can use:
Instagram to watch memes and videos
Or to build your brand.
Facebook to comment on political stuff
Or to build a brand, grab a few clients.
Quora to get answers to your problems
Or to build your audience around.
WhatsApp to spam others
Or to make your customer's life easy.
Linkedin, just to read the post or scroll
Or to {Please fill this gap}
This is your "WHY"
Please write it down and work towards your betterment.
Once you know the reason, It becomes more effortless.
Do you know your WHY?
P.S. There's nothing like instant success. Work for it.
Thanks for reading! 🫂